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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What Am I Playing?

Well, On the PS3 front I'm still enjoying Infamous 2 and Borderlands. MTG front I'm almost done with my Innistrad block wolves deck and a vampire deck, with all the older decks still around. WH 40k brings us to me running Tyranids instead of GK this season just because the bugs are sentimental to me. I've gotten a display board for a 1500 point T6'R Us list and hope to have it all ready and painted in time for a tournament next month. I have also started a Sanguine Guard Blood Angels army that I am up in the air with the paint scheme. I'm thinking deep red, red pastels or successor chapter colors. I've put most of my WHFB stuff away for now as  finishing any of those armies will be a massive endeavor, but I imagine Skaven will be finished first.

All in all my current armies are


  • Lizardmen
  • Beastmen
  • Skaven
  • Daemons of Chaos

  • Tyranids
  • Admech Knights (Grey Knight Codex)
  • Sons of Malice (Dark Angels Codex)
  • Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard
  • Daemons of Chaos
  • Chaos Space Marines(The Purge)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Behold, the Monster Is Upon Us!!!


Truly a great model.

Great Bits to be had for sure!
By now, everyone has heard and seen the new Tyranid releases. There are a lot of mixed messages about these releases, and some are really pissing me off. The cover thing is a marginal factor at best and not something I care much about. The one that really pisses me off is the “your models are now invalid because they’re 5mm smaller, replace it” talk coming from some areas. You know what, FUCK YOU. I’m not replacing 4 Tervigons and 3 Tyrannofexes because GW is slow as fuck. I bought those Carnifex kits to build into Tervigons and Tyrannos because they didn’t exist. Right now I’m at an impasse. I will wait to see what my TO’s opinion on the subject is before making any more purchases. I have nothing against the new models, they look great.

  I do have a problem with the replace mine because they’re homemade and you had them before the model came out idea. I’ll agree to that on the grounds that; 1-you buy back the carnifex kits and use that to reduce the price of the Tervigon kit, 2- all the space marine players running the classic tiny rhinos/land raiders/razorbacks replace all their shit too. For now, it’s an awesome model yes, but I’m not buying until these problems are addressed.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tyranids T6 R US

My Baby Maker
The Tyranid Codex is sup-par. That is a fact and it cannot be ignored. However, there are some shining lights in the codex, and Tyranids are still one of the most fun armies to play around with at the moment. They were my first army at the tail end of 2nd edition, and they are also my largest. I have amassed over 14k points of Tyranids including the old OOP Armourcast creatures, and have no plan to clear out my stock. With that in mind, I’m trying my version of T 6 R Us (monstrous creatures/creatures with T6 or more only). I have maximized the amount of T6 creatures and taken out the usual Hive Tyrant aspect. I just feel the Tyrant is something that nearly always fails to justify his expense in the 5th edition book. Four Tervigons should provide enough fodder to prevent my big beasties getting gibed in combat, and with Hive Guard x 3 and Tyrannofex x 2, I should have adequate anti-tank. Happy human smashing!!!!

T6 'R US (1750pts)
1750pt Tyranids 5th Ed (2010) Roster (Standard)


* HQ

    * Tervigon
        (Brood Progenitor, Psyker, Shadow in the Warp, Spawn Termagants, Synapse Creature)
        Bonded Exoskeleton, Catalyst, Claws and Teeth, Cluster Spines, Dominion, Toxin Sacs

* Elites

    * Hive Guard Brood
        * 2x Hive Guard
            (Instinctive Behavior - Lurk)
            2x Claws and Teeth, 2x Hardened Carapace, 2x Impaler Cannon

    * Hive Guard Brood
        * 2x Hive Guard
            (Instinctive Behavior - Lurk)
            2x Claws and Teeth, 2x Hardened Carapace, 2x Impaler Cannon

    * Hive Guard Brood
        * 2x Hive Guard
            (Instinctive Behavior - Lurk)
            2x Claws and Teeth, 2x Hardened Carapace, 2x Impaler Cannon

* Troops

    * Termagant Brood
        * 10x Termagant
            (The Scuttling Swarm)
            10x Chitin, 10x Claws and Teeth, 10x Fleshborer

    * Termagant Brood
        * 10x Termagant
            (The Scuttling Swarm)
            10x Chitin, 10x Claws and Teeth, 10x Fleshborer

    * Termagant Brood
        * 10x Termagant
            (The Scuttling Swarm)
            10x Chitin, 10x Claws and Teeth, 10x Fleshborer

    * Tervigon
        (Brood Progenitor, Psyker, Shadow in the Warp, Spawn Termagants, Synapse Creature)
        Adrenal Glands, Bonded exoskeleton, Catalyst, Claws and teeth, Cluster Spines, Dominion, Toxin Sacs

    * Tervigon
        (Brood Progenitor, Psyker, Shadow in the Warp, Spawn Termagants, Synapse Creature)
        Adrenal Glands, Bonded exoskeleton, Catalyst, Claws and teeth, Cluster Spines, Dominion, Toxin Sacs

    * Tervigon
        (Brood Progenitor, Psyker, Shadow in the Warp, Spawn Termagants, Synapse Creature)
        Adrenal Glands, Bonded exoskeleton, Catalyst, Claws and teeth, Cluster Spines, Dominion, Toxin Sacs

Yes, he is happy to see you.
* Heavy Support

    * Tyrannofex
        (Fearless, Instinctive Behavior - Lurk)
        Armoured Shell, Claws and Teeth, Cluster Spines, Rupture Cannon, Thorax Swarm with Desiccator Larvae

    * Tyrannofex
        (Fearless, Instinctive Behavior - Lurk)
        Armoured Shell, Claws and Teeth, Cluster Spines, Rupture Cannon, Thorax Swarm with Electroshock Grubs


            At 1750…..      

From DakkaDakka
Okay, so a completely non tournament worthy list, just out for fun. I like this idea and think it’s kind of like Robot Rally taken further.  Idea is to use the Daemon Princes If able to lash units for the defiler to blow up real good. With the change to Fire Frenzy, the dreads are almost no risk at all, and they work like normal dreads. Troops are there to facilitate the Greater Daemon’s arrival. I chose regular old troops instead of fancy ones as it lets me get a meltagun and powerfist still in case they end up in a fight. Hopefully you can get the one that doesn’t have a fist into position to spawn the Greater Daemon. ‘Hope Springs Eternal though…. As always, havoc launchers on the rhinos of course. 

Stompy Stompy CSM (1750pts)

* HQ
    * Daemon Prince- Lash of Submission, Mark of Slaanesh, Wings
        (Eternal Warrior, Fearless, Invulnerable Save (5+))
            * Daemon Prince - Lash of Submission, Mark of Slaanesh, Wings
        (Eternal Warrior, Fearless, Invulnerable Save (5+))
        * Elites
    * Chaos Dreadnought - Multi-Melta * Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon- Twin-Linked Bolter
  * Chaos Dreadnought -  Multi-Melta * Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon- Twin-Linked Bolter
* Troops
    * Chaos Space Marines  
        4x Chaos Space Marine, Meltagun
        * Aspiring Champion - Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Fist
        * Chaos Rhino- Havoc Launcher
    * Chaos Space Marines
        4x Chaos Space Marine, Meltagun
        * Aspiring Champion - Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Fist
      * Chaos Rhino - Havoc Launcher
    * Chaos Space Marines  
        4x Chaos Space Marine, Meltagun
        * Aspiring Champion - Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Fist
        * Chaos Rhino - Havoc Launcher
   * Chaos Space Marines  
        5x Chaos Space Marine, Meltagun
        * Aspiring Champion -Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Close Combat Weapon
        * Chaos Rhino - Havoc Launcher

* Heavy Support
    * Chaos Defiler - Reaper Autocannon, Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer
       * Chaos Defiler - Reaper Autocannon, Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer
       * Chaos Defiler -Reaper Autocannon, Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer
* (No Category)
    * Summoned Greater Daemon
        (Fearless, Invulnerable Save (4+))