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Saturday, April 01, 2017

Shadow War: Armageddon OR "How I Stopped Worrying and Began to Embrace the Future"

So, the new rosters for most AKT armies are out, and there is some fantastic stuff going on. We still have to wait for full game rules to come out, but it's looking really good so far. Go to ShadowWar to get a pdf of your very own.


New Year, New Ambition

So in the hopes of staying positive, I'm trying to finish off my armies as is with as little purchasing as possible. That means getting my current stuff assembled AND painted. Painting is my hardest activity but with new compression gloves, it gets easier. Also, Shadow War: Armageddon is coming out, with BRAND NEW kill team rules that are sexy as hell so I hope I can get a copy. Lastly, Codex Supplement: Traitor Legions is out and is fantastic. Go buy it, now.